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I Use ZipList: A Grocery List App To Keep Track Of My Shopping Lists And Recipes

A reader, Mary Jane, shared her Ziplist review, and how she uses a smart phone app to make a grocery list that she can carry around with her, no matter where she is.


Taylor says:

I've added my own comments above Mary Jane's review of this app, since this free app has just announced it will not be available, as of December 10, 2014. (This is being written on November 10th, the day of the announcement.)

What does this mean for you?

If you've been using the Ziplist app to keep your recipes or your grocery lists, you will need to take action within the next month to save these items.

In regard to your recipes, Ziplist has partnered with Epicurious so that you can transfer your recipes from the Ziplist recipe box to the one for Epicurious. You will need to do this before the month is over!

There is no way to move your shopping lists to another service though. So, if you'd like to export them so you can manually add them to another app you can do that. Again though, you'll need to do it within the next month and the process is much more involved.

You can read the entire blog announcement from Ziplist here.

What Does Ziplist's Closure Teach Us?

I like technology as much as the next gal, and paid apps could go away just as easily as this free one did. But I think the closure of this app gives us a lesson about keeping our recipes or shopping lists only online, or in the cloud.

You can do it, but be prepared to deal with transferring to a new service if something happens. And I'm trying to give you a heads up because I don't want people to be surprised if all their recipes just disappeared on December 10th.

Recipes can often mean a lot to us, sentimentally, because many become family favorites, while others are actually passed down from generation to generation. So, be careful with how you collect them.

This isn't to say not to use an app for recipes and grocery shopping lists. I still recommend several (and if you used Ziplist obviously
you're in the market for a new one, so scroll down to see my other reviews on this site), but just know that those apps and programs could close at any time as well, and have a back up plan in place to keep your precious recipes in the family!

Mary Jane says:

I do everything electronically...I use ZipList on my desktop and laptop and have an app on my ipad and phone so I always have access.

You can create multiple lists (I tend to run one a week) and add or subtract as I go. I can also email the list to my husband in a pinch.

I like it because I store all of my recipes there in a recipe box. Each week I select my meals from my recipe box which allow you to "add to a shopping list" - giving you the opportunity to verify your on-hand inventory and add only the items you need.

The items are listed as they are grouped in the grocery store (ex: produce, meats, frozen, etc).

I usually print out the list (I love to check mark as I go), but using the phone app works too, and match up coupons I have clipped before I head out.

There is also a note section for each item on your list to make note of any sales at specific stores (ex: b1g1 at Kroger).

I also manage my grocery store perks card on-line and add store specific and product specific coupons that are tracked through my perks card (Kroger is really easy).

Taylor says:

Thanks Mary Jane for sharing how you use this app to make a grocery list and keep track of your recipes.

The ZipList app is available for both Apple and Android products, and is free.

I have found that many of the electronic recipe organizer programs have multiple related functions, including organizing recipes, making your list, and helping with meal planning.

I would love to hear from even more people who have used this, or similar apps or software programs, to hear what you think about them, good or bad. Please share your reviews with me in the Great Organizing Apps section of the site.

In addition, check out all the recommended apps for home organization and management I've compiled as a resource for everyone!

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Family Uses Ziplist In Conjunction With Cozi

by Dorothy

Dorothy says:

Our whole family LOVES Ziplist!

We absolutely love the recipe clipper and the meal planner tools.

We are long time users of Cozi and love that our Ziplist meal planner feeds right over to our Cozi calendar.

Taylor says:

Thanks so much for this review Dorothy.

For those who aren't aware of what Cozi is, I've got information about this app's calendar system here on the site (a couple of different readers use it for calendaring).

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I've had Great Success With This App

by Jenni

Jenni says:

I have been using this as well and had great success with it.

It is so simple and does just what I need it to do!

My 8 year old even uses it and checks off my list as we go through the store.

Taylor says:

Thanks everyone for your reviews of this free grocery list, recipe and meal planning app.

I would love to hear from even more people who've used it, sharing what you think of it, especially in comparison to other similar apps that are available. You can share your review here.

More Meal Planning, Grocery List & Recipe App Reviews:

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Comments for I've had Great Success With This App

Click here to add your own comments

Not so impressed or maybe confused
by: Anonymous

I read all the comments and got the app right away. But I have to say I am not impressed. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I have been using GroceryList. It's as simple as this app, except for all of the recipe components, but it works much faster. I can create lists from other lists if I choose, email, set categories or detail what aisle it's in.

But I feel like I'm somehow missing the wow factor from my zip list, although the scan aspect is very cool. I would love feedback, what does the grocery list aspect offer that I'm missing?

I like Ziplist
by: Mandy

I really enjoy it! My favorite part is you can add all your pinterest recipes! Once they are in your "recipe box" they stay there so you can keep adding them to weekly lists if you like it!

I use Android version
by: Kym

I've been trying Ziplist.. its in android love it so far, considered pepperplate too.

Alternative to ZipList?
by: Anonymous

What would you use instead of ZipList now that is quitting?

I've already download Listonic shopping list app. It seems that it will do it's job as shopping list manager. You can easily share your lists, items are organized by aisle and I got some useful tips displayed below my shopping list and connected with items I wanted to buy.

unfortunately it has been discontinued and now my recipes lost
by: Deborah Spencer

I loved this app but unfortunately they have discontinued it. They sent out emails to everyone and advised to open an epicurious account and transfer your zip list recipes there, which I did. This week when I went to the site to look in my recipe box nothing was there. It was there previously as I have gone there before and looked at my recipes. Very disappointed!

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