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Where To Order Checks To Save Money & For Convenience

FTC Disclosure: I am an affiliate of Checks Unlimited, which means if you purchase checks or check accessories through my links I get a commission, at no additional cost to you. I have been a customer of this company for years, and personally use their products, so all opinions herein are my own and have not been influenced by the company.

Here is where to order checks for personal use or business, and how it saves you money and is really easy to order online.

Here is where to order checks for personal use or business, and how it saves you money and is really easy to order online {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

I've mentioned to you before that I pay my bills weekly, as part of my weekly paperwork session, and during one of my most recent sessions, as I reached for my checkbook to pay some bills, I realized I needed to get more checks because I was almost out.

(Yes, you can pay some of your bills online, but sometimes it's easier to use checks, especially for irregular payments.)

Here is where to order checks for personal use or business, and how it saves you money and is really easy to order online {on Home Storage Solutions 101} #PersonalChecks #OrderChecksOnline #OrderChecksuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

So right then and there, as I did all my weekly paperwork, I went ahead and ordered several new boxes of checks from the online business I've been using for purchashing personal checks, and also business checks, for years -- Checks Unlimited.

Because I was re-ordering, and just wanted the same variety of checks again, it took me less than 10 minutes from start to finish, and then later I got them in the mail (you can see some of my pictures below of the packaging).

Since I keep using Checks Unlimited checks, have consistently been happy with the products I receive, and know I'm saving money compared with ordering my checks through my bank, I figured I should also tell you about them so you could use them too, if you wish.

After all, why not save money and have it be as convenient as possible to do something mundane, like getting checks delivered to you directly into your mailbox?

My Personal Experience With Checks Unlimited {Plus Addressing Your Security Concerns}

I'm not sure how many years I've been ordering checks from Checks Unlimited, but I know it's been quite a few because I've re-ordered at least 3-4 times now, and I don't go through boxes of checks too quickly. Instead, I only write a few checks a week, and that has lessened with time as I've begun to pay more bills online.

However, I still do use personal checks, and don't foresee getting completely rid of them anytime soon, so I'm glad I've got a place to order checks online that I trust, and provides quality products.

For me, I get plain boring checks, because to me they're just checks, a means to an end to pay my bills, but Checks Unlimited has lots of fun designs available if you enjoy sprucing your checkbook up.

I also don't tend to buy any of their accessories, such as checkbook holders, extra check registers, or address labels, although those items are available. As I've evaluated them I have personally decided that the accessories are more expensive than I want to pay for them.

What I recommend Checks Unlimited for is not the accessories, but for the checks themselves, which are much cheaper than if you order your checks through your bank.

I think because the checks are so inexpensive the company tries to suggests you purchase add-ons, but if you stay focused and only get the checks, and not the other stuff, then you'll enjoy quite a savings. (Below I've provided my best tips for saving the most when ordering from Checks Unlimited.)

The first time I ordered my checks from this online service I admit I was a bit nervous. This was partially because of how long ago I first ordered, because ordering anything online at the time made me a bit nervous. However, I also worried about providing this company with my bank information, which is obviously something you've got to do in order to get the checks.

However, the checks I've received from Checks Unlimited have worked just as well as the checks I used to get from my bank, and I've never personally experienced any type of security issue with them.

The company also has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, which makes me breathe easier, especially since the company has been around since 1986.

Ordering through the website is fairly easy, and the site guides you through the process, and helps explain where to find the information necessary to order your checks online, such as where to look on one of your current checks for things like the routing number.

There are also plenty of opportunities to review how the checks will look before you place your order, so you don't have to worry about typos or misspellings, unless you personally didn't catch them. The company prints exactly what you tell them to.

They also do a safety review before your order is printed to confirm that it's you ordering your checks, and not someone else, to prevent fraud.

While ordering the first time with Checks Unlimited was relatively easy, re-ordering more checks at a later time is super simple and quick. You can click the button at the top of the website for re-orders and as long as you don't want to change anything it takes hardly any time at all to get more, which made me quite happy.

I also receive my purchased checks through the mail, and have not experienced any security issues with delivery either.

The checks come in flat packages, as shown below. You get a flattened box, along with several books of checks for each box, that you have to put together to place your checkbooks in. The packaging does not show that it is obviously from a check printing business, so no one knows what the innocous looking package is as it sits in your mailbox, reducing the chance of enticing theft.

In my experience I've not encountered any security concerns with ordering or delivery of my checks using Checks Unlimited, and feel it is as safe as ordering through my bank, but much cheaper, and also more convenient.

Since I now own a business (this website, and the accompanying business related to it), I've also ordered business checks through Checks Unlimited, and have been just as pleased with the business checks as with the personal checks I've gotten more frequently.

Tips For Getting The Best Deal When You Order Checks Online Through Checks Unlimited

Here is where to order personal checks and business checks, based on my personal experience, as well as tips for getting the best deal online {on Home Storage Solutions 101} #PersonalChecks #BusinessChecks #OrderChecksuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

While I've shared with you exactly why I continue to use Checks Unlimited for ordering my personal and business checks, and why I'll continue, I also want to be as honest with you as possible about the online ordering experience when you buy your checks with the company.

I think it's because the checks are so cheap, so they're like a "loss leader" for the company, and they try increase their profit for each order by getting you to purchase upsells and add-ons, like additional products, services, extra shipping costs, and more.

If you purchase these additional upsells and add-ons you're going to lose some of the total savings you get by purchasing your checks online, so my personal recommendation, and what I do for myself, is to just say no to all these add-ons and focus instead on getting the checks, and only the checks.

Specifically, here are my tips for saving money with Checks Unlimited that I jotted down to share with you as I ordered my last few boxes of checks recently.

  • Always use a promo code or coupon code (I've rounded up quite a few of these codes below, so make sure to look at them before ordering).
  • The fancier you make the checks, with designs, fonts, etc., the more it costs. If the increase in cost is worth it to you for something prettier or more interesting looking then go for it, but the cheapest checks are also the plainest ones (and that is what I get, they work just fine!).
  • Pay attention to the add-ons they're suggesting and just say no unless you really do want them and think they're a fair price.
  • The company will quote you how much it will be for each box of checks, and then later, when you've imput all your check information they'll also mention a processing fee for each box, which aggravates me, because it increases the true cost per box. However, when doing the math it's still much cheaper to use Checks Unlimited rather than to purchase checks through your bank so just be prepared that the processing fee for each box is coming, so you are ready for that to be part of the total price.
  • I've never personally purchased any type of check fraud protection from the company, which they ask you to do at least twice, and have been just fine. I don't personally recommend you purchase it either.
  • I do not recommend paying extra for fast shipping, or even for tracked shipping. Instead, I have consistently chosen the slow, free, non-tracked shipping and have not experienced any problems getting my checks, and I've saved a lot of money with that cheaper option.

Make Sure To Use One Of The Checks Unlimited Coupon Codes Below To Save Money

Coupon codes for Checks Unlimited, so you can get the best deal when you order checks online {on Home Storage Solutions 101} #CouponCodes #CouponCode #OrderChecksuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Using coupon codes with your Checks Unlimited order will ensure you get the best value for your money.

It can be a bit confusing trying to decide which code saves you the most money, so I suggest adding the various codes you see below, or any others suggested on the Checks Unlimited website itself, one by one into the online shopping cart and then re-calculating the total, so you can ultimately use the code which saves you the most.

Personal Check Coupon Codes

First I've listed the personal check coupon codes, and then below the business check codes.

  • Code R66Q - 1st Time Customers get checks for $4.95/box (singles), $5.50/box (duplicates), plus free standard shipping
  • Code 9TNTM - 1st Time Customers get checks for $5.50/box (singles), $6.50/box (duplicates), plus a FREE 4th box, FREE lettering, shipping and handling at Checks Unlimited!
  • Code FXWK - Save 30% off Accessories plus Free Shipping from Checks Unlimited!
  • Code 5DCP - Get 2 Boxes for the price of 1, or 4 for the price of 2. Receive an additional $2 off a 4 box order. Free shipping with standard shipping selected.
  • Code 355M - Get checks for $6.99/box (singles) or $7.99/box (duplicates) plus FREE Lettering, Shipping and Handling, and FREE Labels with a 2 or 4 box order at Checks Unlimited!

Business Check Coupon Codes

  • Code 7486 - Save 30% off Business Checks at Business.ChecksUnlimited.com!
  • Code RMGG - Save 20% off Business Checks PLUS Free Shipping and Handling at Business.ChecksUnlimited.com!

I hope these coupon codes and tips will help you save yourself some cash and time when you next order your checks online!

Some links on this page are affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase a product through them I receive a small commission which helps me provide this information to you for free, plus support my family. My integrity and your satisfaction are very important to me so I only recommend products I would purchase myself, and that I believe would benefit you. To learn more please see my disclosure statement.

Click to read Taylor's review of Eat at Home meal plans, while the annual plan sale is happening now

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