Kitchen Sink Organization Ideas: Hall Of Fame

One part of the first week of the kitchen organization challenge is all about sink organization.
Now, at first, you may wonder what I mean by organizing your kitchen sink, since after all there is not much to the area.
However, you do a lot of activity in this area of this room, such as both food preparation and washing dishes.
So, it is important that the sink itself stays relatively clear and empty (most of the time), and the area around the sink is set up to accommodate the most common tasks you normally do there.
(Note I'm not talking right now about the area under your sink, that is a different matter all together, although I've got a
under kitchen sink organization hall of fame you can check out.)
This includes an area for washing and drying dishes, for storing dish soaps and sponges or washing rags, and perhaps other things like storing baby bottles, a place to hold your ring while washing up, etc.
What you'll need to make your sink area organized is unique to your personal needs. However, readers who've tackled this challenge have done some really cool things that I wanted to share with you, to give you some ideas you might want to execute in your own home.
So scroll on down to check out what they've done, and if you get inspired and tackle this task as well please
send me your before and after pictures here and I'll add the best ones to the page.

Top photo courtesy of Rachel Zack
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Kitchen Sink Storage Solutions: Tip Out Tray & Built In Soap Dispenser
by Kathleen
Tip out sink tray
Closeup up sink tray, to hold rings
Soap dispenser installed

Kathleen from Life With The Z's did all kinds of awesome things with her kitchen sink as part of the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge.
This included installing a sink tray that tips out to hold some of the small clutter that often gathers around your sink, such as sponges, etc.
She says about the tip out sink tray: "No more disgusting sponges laying out. I left the screws for the trays a bit loose so I can take them out and wash them, bonus. And my favorite part about them is" the place to hold her rings.
I looked at found a couple online at Amazon if you wish to install one yourself. I will note there are many different lengths available, so measure your sink cabinet first to make sure you get the right size!
In addition, she said: "I also put my Ms. Fix It skills to work and installed a soap dispenser! I put regular dish soap in there, and you can fill it from the top, bonus!"
Think this stuff is hard to install? Not according to Kathleen, who said, "with the help of our local handy man letting me borrow some tools (aka, My Father In Law Gary), I did both of them myself!"
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A Sink Caddy Can Keep Your Sponges From Staying In The Sink
by Katy

Do you have a problem with people leaving a wet sponge at the bottom of the sink, where it stays wet and absorbs all kinds of nasty stuff as people dump drinks and food scraps into the sink during the day?
Do I sound like I know a lot about this? I personally do because my children are notorious for doing this.
One possible solution: a sink caddy.
Katy from Thrift Me installed one (from Simple Human) in her sink as part of this organizing challenge.
It looks great doesn't it?
Here are some available ones you could use:
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Removing Clutter & Keeping Dish Drainer Clear Make A Visual Difference
by Jessica
Jessica from His Plan Not Ours shared before and after pictures of her kitchen area.
She said of the before pictures: "Our sink area. Dirty dishes, too many mildew-y sponges, medications in the windowsill, and a framed meal planner that I got from a MOPS meeting, but have never used."
"And the right side of the sink where there are lots of coffee accessories and Tim's dump bowl. And clean dishes that need to by put away."
She decluttered the old medications and old sponges, as well as some of the stuff on the counter close to the sink which was interfering with drying dishes.
In addition, notice the huge difference once she put away the clean dishes in the dish drainer on the look of the whole room.
There is a point to those drainers, they are to allow you to let items that you've washed dry a bit before you put them away.
However, if you catch yourself just grabbing the pots, pans, or baking sheets back out of it again the next time you need it you've begun to use it as a storage area instead of for its intended purpose. (Confession time -- do as I say, not as I do! I am VERY guilty of doing this sometimes. I totally get it. But visually I know it isn't very attractive.)
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Declutering The Sink Area Can Make A Crazy Difference Visually
by Lee-Anne
Lee-Anne from Life In A Peanut Free Shell shared these before and after pictures when she organized this area of her kitchen.
She said of the before picture: "Here’s one of the sink area. This space was ridiculous. Sink full of empty dishes (almost constantly), miscellaneous items around it and on the windowsill."
Then, she commented of the visual difference with some decluttering, "I know – crazy right? So different!"
I agree Lee-Anne, and it looks lovely! Great job.
I've now written an entire Declutter 365 mission article about
how to declutter your kitchen sink area that you can read for more instructions and tips for getting this area clutter free. There are also lots of great photos from readers who've already decluttered to show you what you can accomplish!
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Corral Your Soaps & Lotions With A Decorative Plate
by Amy

Amy from Wine Country Mama shared the little touch she added to her sink area as part of the challenge.
She says: "I love this cute little red plate it adds some color and corrals my soaps."
Not only does this add a festive touch of color to a kitchen counter, it is also imminently practical.
Sometimes these bottles of dish soap can leak, and make a mess on the counter. It is much easier to wash the plate than scrub the counter.
Plus, it keeps things from sprawling all over the countertop, but instead in one smaller designated area.
Here are some similar trays you could use:
Has This Inspired You To Get Organized?
I hope these ideas have gotten you in the mood to tackle your kitchen sink and spruce it up a bit.
You can make it both more visually attractive and functional at the same time.
If you've enjoyed these ideas, make sure to check out even more in the
{A - Z} Home Storage Solutions round up page on the site.
In addition, I'd love it if you'd
join the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge, where over the course of the year we will organize our entire house, room by room, item by item.
Finally, once you've accomplished this mission I'd love to see what you've done. You can
share your before and after pictures here and I'll add the best ones to the page!

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