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Organizing Kitchen Cabinets And Drawers Hall Of Fame (Part 2)

Lots of people took the Organizing Kitchen Cabinets and Drawers Challenge for week #2 of the Organized Home Challenge, and so I've got lots of before and after pictures to show you.

kitchen cabinet organization challenge
In fact, this is part 2 of the hall of fame, and I'm also planning a part 3 for week #2. I think the main takeaway from these photos is that there are lots of ways to get this area organized and decluttered, and as long as it works for you it is perfect!

If these pictures below (scroll down to see them all) inspire you, I'd love for you to join the challenges yourself. You can read step by step directions for organizing your drawers and cabinets here to do it yourself.

Then, make sure to take some photos of your accomplishments, and you can share them with me here and I'll add them to the site!

Photo by Collin Anderson

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Organizing Kitchen Cabinets And Junk Drawer

by Crystal @ Crystal's Ramblings

Crystal did week #2's challenge.

how to organize junk drawer
She explained that since she just recently moved her cabinets weren't in too bad of shape, but she did need to work on her junk drawer. Since before she couldn't even open the drawer all the way, I think the after picture is a great improvement! Great job Crystal!

I've actually created a whole junk drawer organization hall of fame that you can check out for more inspiration and ideas!

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Organizing Kitchen Drawers & Cupboards

by Leigh Z @ Joy and Strength

Before - lazy susan

Before - lazy susan

Leigh at the blog Joy and Strength actually did two blog posts about this challenge, one with before pictures and the other with after pictures.

She had so many pictures to share I only chose for the hall of fame some of the after pictures, so be sure to check out all her pictures on her blog posts.

kitchen utensil storage and organization ideas
I liked how she was so creative with how she organized her drawers, especially. Instead of going out and buying organizers she made her own. For example, she used old baby food jars for her spices, and housed then in the drawer all together in an old shoe box with the lid off.

In addition, she made her own kitchen utensil organizers for her drawer with cut off cereal boxes! How ingenious. Great job Leigh, you did a wonderful job.

Leigh said to me when she submitted her blog post for the Organizing Kitchen Cabinets and Drawers Hall of Fame: "THANK-YOU for putting on such a GREAT challenge!!!! I look forward to spending the year 'working together'!"

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Straightening & Moving Items Around Can Be Enough

by Ferris @ The Hamman Family Blog



Ferris from The Hamman Family Blog shared before and after pictures when she organized her cabinets.

She said of the first before picture: "It has cookie sheets, pyrex cooking dishes, my crock pot, waffle maker, and quesadilla maker. It was a mess. I always felt like I was going to break something when I got out a dish."

So she moved things around a bit, and took everything out and put it back in a more organized and straightened out way.

Looks great Ferris!

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Collage Of Kitchen Organization

by A Real Housewife In Houston
(Houston, Tx)

A Real Housewife In Houston blogged about her success in Week #2 of the Challenge.

She did a great job. She explained, "I recently moved into the home I’m in now. When I moved, I made sure to tackle this task before I put things away, so really, it was already done a few months ago. Here’s what I came up with."

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Trying To Combine Two Household's Worth Of Stuff Into One Kitchen

by Procrastinating Hummingbird

The Procrastinating Hummingbird shared before and after photos after tackling this week's challenge.

She explained: "Because my husband and I both lived on our own for years before finding each other, we brought a lot of kitchen gadgets into the marriage (not to mention all of those we received as wedding gifts six and a half years ago).

While we have worked hard on pairing down items, there are still some drawers and cabinets that you don't want to open for fear never being able to close them properly."

Further, she said of the first photo: "This cabinet used to just get filled with miscellaneous items (the baby monitor and children's medicine). I realized I had to keep the cd's in here because there is a cd player/radio mounted to the underside of this cabinet."

You did wonderful! I like how you really thought of where things needed to be located and moved things around to make them go in places that made sense.

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This Is My Favorite Cupboard Door To Open Now

by Kelly V



Kelly says:

This has been my baking/serving dish/lunch box/water pitcher cupboard for some time. The door wouldn't even close all the way I had so much stuff in there.

We took everything out and sorted it into piles. Stuff I knew I didn't need and could sell, stuff I knew we didn't need and could donate, trash (yes - some stuff wasn't even worth donating) and keep.

I must say this might be my favorite cupboard door to open now!

Taylor says:

Looks great Kelly! Thanks for sharing these pictures with me, and you should feel proud of your accomplishment.

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Organizing Kitchen Cabinets: After Pictures

by Jan @ The Crafty Mermaid's Grotto

Organized plates and bowls cabinet

Organized plates and bowls cabinet

Jan from The Crafty Mermaid's Grotto blogged about the Organizing Kitchen Cabinets and Drawers Challenge and showed lots of before and after pictures.

I just chose 4 of the best after pictures for this hall of fame, since she had so many good ones (along with featuring her in the Under Kitchen Sink Cabinet Organization Hall of Fame), so make sure you check out her blog post for all of them.

First, I liked how she used cabinet shelves to increase the room in her cabinet to stack plates and bowls. These dividers are really helpful and have many uses in your kitchen cabinets.

In addition, I was impressed that she trimmed down her plastic containers from 3 cabinets to just one and a half, so that was a great declutter! Notice that she put all her lids in the red containers she bought from Target's dollar section (they are file holders actually, but they work really well to hold lids).

I also liked how she organized her cutting boards and trays. I can't tell from the picture, but I wonder if she's using an organizer to keep them all standing upright like that?

You can see examples of two different versions of these baking sheet and cutting board organizers below (one is a regular version, and one is a slide out version):

You did a great job Jan! Thanks so much for blogging about the challenge, and I can't wait to see what you do next.

Are You Inspired To Get Organized Now?

organized home challenge
I hope these before and after pictures have inspired you to organize your own kitchen cabinets and drawers too.

If you're inspired you can get step by step directions for Week #2's challenge here.

But what I'd really love for you to do is Join The 52 Week Organized Home Challenge so you can slowly, over the course of a year, get your whole house decluttered and in order.

And in addition, don't forget to take your own before and after pictures and you can also be featured in the Creative Storage Solutions and Home Organization Hall of Fame.

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