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Kids Bedroom Ideas For Storage & Organizing: Hall Of Fame

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Below is the kids bedroom ideas hall of fame, where readers have shared photos of how they've organized and added storage solutions to their children's rooms.

kids' bedroom organizing challenge
We tackled this exact task in Kids Bedroom Organizing Challenge, which is part of the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge here on the site.

It is always a challenge to organize and create storage solutions in a child's room because you often have to have so many different types of things in there, including clothes, the bed, homework stuff and sometimes even toys.

Remember that before you begin to decorate and organize this room a thorough decluttering will really help, and make things less chaotic in there!

If you've tackled this room yourself don't forget to share your photos here and I'll add them to this hall of fame.

Now scroll down to see what other readers have already done to get some ideas and inspiration for yourself.

Kids bedroom ideas for storage and organization of clothes, toys, and more {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Photo courtesy of amy.gizienski

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Combining Kids Bedroom & Playroom Together

I love this little girl's room shared by a reader, Erica.

It is both pretty and has some great storage solutions in it, including the stuffed animal net in the corner (my daughter has one of those and loves it), as well as a nice play area with cute little bins.

kids playroom storage & organization ideas
There are a couple of different types of storage bins. The first are open stackable bins which can be used to hold loose toys. These are idea for a child's room because kids can just pull things out, and put them back away without ever moving the bins themselves.

The second type of storage are the cube organizers. The ones Erica has used don't have cloth storage drawers in them, but are instead just used as divided storage for books and similar items. But you can get the fabric drawers for them if you wish for items to be hidden inside, instead of visible.

If you're combining these two room functions like Erica did, playroom and bedroom, you can get more ideas in the playroom organization and storage hall of fame.

Playroom Ideas {Referral Links}

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Cute Rugs & Other Decor Choices Can Make The Room Look Great

A reader, Victoria, shared this collage of photos of her daughter's room.

She used basic storage solutions including a stuffed animal chute, hinged and lidded toy chests, and a cute cube bookshelf to help organize and store items in the room.

But it was really the bright happy colors that she chose, not only for the bedding and rug, but the organizers and storage items themselves which make the room look so cute.

Victoria explained about her picture: "Picture on the right of the collage shows how we store our daughters soft toys - a hanging storage contraption that only costs £2 from Ikea!"

Further, she stated: "Ikea is amazing for storage and really quite affordable too - that bookshelf was £35 and we've put it on it's side so our daughter can play on the surface, and when she's bigger we'll pop it up the other way to make room for a desk.

And the front-facing bookshelves are £3 spice racks from Ikea that I've painted to match."

Hanging Organizers {Referral Links}

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Open Closet Doors For Added Storage Area In Room

by Sunny

A reader, Sunny, shared a collage of her daughter's room.

She explained, "She's been moved to a big girl bed since we took these pics so it's a tad different but still similar.

Lots of storage, along with a reading nook, in the closet and a big toy box for stuffed animals at the foot of the bed."

What struck me most about these photos (and I think all of them look wonderful!) is that when you keep the closet doors open it seems to open up the room more, like they're is more space.

Obviously, you've got to keep things rather organized if you're going to do this, but in a toddler room like this looks like it might actually be easier than when they're older and they play unsupervised in the room.

Notice Sunny used those little cube organizers that have been in quite a few of these photos. They're popular for a reason -- they are versatile and can hold lots of different types of items.

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Let Your Child Express Their Personality In Their Bedroom

by Amy Gizienski

Here are a few picture of Amy's son's room.

One of the many things I like about this room is that it allows the child to express their personality.

There are drawings and fun trinkets that were made and collected by Elliot in the room, which help let him claim ownership of it.

Technically, while the room really belongs to the parents, allowing a child some autonomy and ownership of their room and its decor can help them take pride of ownership, and hopefully help take better care of it. (That's the idea anyway -- sometimes easier said than done, I know!)

Photo courtesy of amy.gizienski

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Sweet Feminine Pre-Teen Room With Vanity

This room was shared by a reader, Fatima.

I like its overall uncluttered feel. Anytime there is less stuff and more space in a room it feels calmer and more restful, things that are really very important in a bedroom.

In addition, the vanity with a seat is a really nice touch. It gives the room some personality, as well as being functional.

White Vanities {Referral Links}

Are You Ready To Get Organized Now?

organized home challenge
I hope these kids' bedroom ideas have inspired you to tackle your children's room as well.

If you do, I'd love to see your before and after pictures. You can submit them here and I'll add them to the page.

Further, if you've now caught the organization bug from seeing what you can accomplish I'd love it if you joined the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge with us. In it we tackle a different room or type of item in our homes each week, and slowly, over the course of the year, get the whole house organized, while also developing habits and strategies to keep it that way.

Kids bedroom ideas for storage and organization of clothes, toys, and more {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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Comments for Sweet Feminine Pre-Teen Room With Vanity

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what I did in the challenge this week
by: Jenifer Michaels

Not sure accomplish is the right word here, but I did get my 5 year old's room cleaned the other day - one small bag of trash gone.

Storage is tricky as she has moved into a phase where her clothes are almost too big now for keeping all stored in the dresser and some toys are too big for the small shelf bins.

I'd like to design her closet with shelves and drawers that she can use for clothes and toys and then can easily be switched over to all clothes as she gets older.

I like the laminate closet systems by Closet Maid, but trying to configure the design is not so easy. Any tips on how to look at the space to use their design tool?

Also, looking for simple and cheap ways to display artwork in her room. Something magnetic that she can change around easily. Any ideas?

For a magentic picture frame
by: Anonymous

For magnetic pictures frames paint an old cookie sheet a color she likes and buy some cute design magnets so her pictures can stay on the sheet. When she is ready for a new picture simply change. To post the sheet to the wall without any holes you can use 3M tape. (I have seen this idea on the internet before and it is cute).

Not magnetic, but easy to change out pictures
by: Kim

I found these easy change out picture frames for kids art (affiliate link). They make it easy to change out artwork. Hope this helps. :)

For More Storage Room ...
by: Anonymous

Many people do not use this one simple idea. Get a chest of drawers at a second hand thrift store and put it into one end of the closet. It doesn't matter what it looks like and you can paint it if you want, but doing this gives you extra storage room. It requires one modification and that is you need a set of swing out doors.

This gives you a HUGE amount of space. Also there are shoe holder's that Walmart sells and they are very sturdy, the ones made out of canvas. They take up little space but offer tons of storage.

Also, last but not least, ask your local thrift store if they had furniture they were going to toss because it was missing drawers or too bad of a top to fix it and ask them if you can have them you could put them on top of the other chest of drawers.

Some instances you may want to use a dresser instead of the chest of drawers if you want more storage but doing so means you lost your shoe area more than likely but get a plastic bin with wheels on it, the ones made directly to go under beds, put your shoes in there and voila, a storage space for clothes and shoes, and don't forget the stacking idea, more to store :)

Chalk board paint
by: Jean Gray

Looking for a bigger project? Try covering the inside of her door with chalkboard paint

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