Bakeware Organizer & Storage Ideas

Below I've collected quite a few bakeware organizer and storage ideas, using pictures from real life homes, to help you figure out exactly how you can store your own baking sheets, muffin tins, and baking dishes in your kitchen.
Before you begin the organizing process make sure that you've done the
bakeware decluttering mission here on the site, because the first step in any organization process is to get rid of items you don't need.
Once you've done that and you're ready to organize what's left though, the key to finding the right method is to understand first what at least many of us want to avoid -- having to move all kinds of bakeware to get to the one piece you want, which inevitably seems to be stacked at the bottom.
You know what I'm talking about? You've decided to make cookies and the cookie sheet you want to use is underneath a huge stack of other bakeware and to get to it you've got to either slide it out, while precariously hoping nothing on top topples over, or lean down into a low cabinet (it often is a low cabinet, isn't it?) and pick up and move everything first.
It's an ordeal to get the baking sheet, and ugghhh, now it doesn't seem as worthwhile to even make those cookies.
That may be a bit of an exaggeration, but saving yourself these little headaches in the kitchen with simple organizational and storage solutions will make it much more pleasant for you to go about your daily activities in there.
So below I'm going to show you several ideas that can help you avoid this problem. There are some variations on the ideas below, but mainly you'll see people resting their baking pans, cookie sheets, muffin tins and more, on their side, held up with some type of dividers, to keep from having to stack them. It is simple, but hey, it works!
The photo above is a great example of what can be achieved in a cabinet with just the addition of a small bakeware organizer, in that case a divider the reader made herself. The before and after photos above were provided by a reader, Marelize, and she did a great job, didn't she?
Below I've got even more photos and ideas to help you with this organizational challenge.

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Store Muffin Tins & Baking Pans On Their Side
by Jennifer
Jennifer from Life of Reilly organized this cabinet, and showed how she organized her bakeware.
She said: "I have a paper sorter that I use to hold up the different baking pans and that works very well for me, as long as I keep it organized."
This is a great idea, because it is the stacking of these items which causes the big mess, when you've got one on the bottom you've got to grab. Using the vertical space can make it easier and less hassle to get the pan or sheet you need.
They actually have bakeware organizers which use the same concept so you can organize them just the way Jennifer has done in her cabinet:
Here's another set of photos, from another reader, Misa, who added one of these organizers. You can see from the before and after photos exactly how well this works!
Misa said: "I got a head start on my worst cabinet. Here are the before and after. It went from being an avalanche waiting to happen to a place where I can actually grab a cookie sheet or a cutting board or a serving tray easily!" She continued, explaining, "I raised the shelf and got vertical organizers from Amazon."

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Pull Out Shelf Dividers For Baking Sheets & Pans
Above you saw simple bakeware organizers in action that help hold baking sheets and pans on their side so you don't have to stack them.
A reader, Becca, showed the dividers in her cabinet that went one step further, and actually pulled out to make it even easier to grab the pan or bakeware item she wanted.
She said, "Pull outs that hold cookie sheets and a few other baking things. We love it!"
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Built In Dividers In Cabinets For Trays, Platters & Bakeware
Gail sent in these photos of her kitchen cabinets, which have built in dividers to keep items on their side, so they don't stack.
The first photo shows such dividers in a lower kitchen cabinet, and the second photo shows a similar cabinet, but above the refrigerator.
Often these types of build in cabinetry are found either above the refrigerator or stove cabinets.
For example, here's another reader, Tammy's, build in dividers in the cabinet above her oven. Tammy explained, "I love the dividers for my bakeware. I have one above my ovens."
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