How To Store Fabric: File It!

Here's a great idea from a reader, Tracy, showing how to store fabric. She files it.
This method is really simple to implement. All you need are some empty file cabinet drawers and some hanging files, and of course your fabric stash.
Just drape the pieces of fabric across the file folders and voila, you've organized your fabric pile.
I like this method because one, it's simple. And two, when you place the fabric on the file folders all of a sudden you're really able to see what pieces you've got, and can retrieve the piece you want without sorting through a big stack.
This is what Tracy had to say about this method:
"I thought I'd send this picture as it's a great idea to try and store fabric. It won't fade as no direct sunlight and is all protected from little creatures and easy to find the fabric you are after!!"
Brilliant! In fact, this idea was so popular my friend Emily saw it on my Facebook page and immediately implemented it for herself. You can see her pictures below as well, as well as another readers file folders of fabric that was inspired by the same Facebook post!

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Sewing Fabric Storage Solution: I Love Filing It!
Here's my friend Emily's pictures as well. This took her very little time, at least as compared to some organizing projects.
She explained, "Stole this idea from my friend Taylor! Now all my fabric for sewing is neat and organized!!"
It looks great Em!

Further, the photo collage above is from another reader, Donna. She said, "I organized my material pieces once, then I saw someone used their file cabinet to store them. I had a file cabinet that I first had to sort through. I went through it this morning. I only got stuck once. . . . Now I have all my fabric organized so that I can go in the drawers and pick out material for piecing a quilt rather quickly. What a great day. Think I'll go sew a quilt."
Great job Donna! You can get ideas for
how to declutter file drawers here, if you need to clear one or two drawers out before you can use them for this storage idea.
So has anyone else utilized this method for organizing their fabric? If so, I'd love to see your results.
You can
submit your photos here for this or any craft organization project, and I'll add the best ones to the site.
More Home Storage Solutions
I hope you enjoyed this idea for how to organize and store fabric pieves.
There are even more ideas for storage and organizing on the site in the
{A-Z} Storage Solutions & Ideas round up page. Go check it out if you'd like to see even more ideas.
In addition, if these ideas have inspired you to organize even more things in your craft room make sure to read the
Craft Organization Challenge, which is part of the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge I run on the site!

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