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Organizing Kitchen Counters Hall Of Fame {Part 7}

The first challenge in the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge is decluttering and organizing kitchen counters and the sink area.

Kitchen Organization Challenge
Lots and lots of readers have done this. So many in fact that this is the seventh part of this hall of fame!

Wow! I'm so proud of all these ladies who've done such great work!

If what you see inspires you I'd love for you to join Week #1's challenge here.

Further, take some before and after pictures and share what you've done with me, and I'll add them to the site so we can all celebrate your accomplishments.

You can share your pictures here.

Photo courtesy of Hidesert

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Organized Kitchen Counters In Small Apartment

by Alison Cox
(Atlanta, GA)

Knife block is a new (used) addition bought from the thrift store, so is the beautiful pitcher holding the spatulas and such. Totally freed up drawer space which will help in the coming challenges.

Knife block is a new (used) addition bought from the thrift store, so is the beautiful pitcher holding the spatulas and such. Totally freed up drawer space which will help in the coming challenges.

Alison says:

I live in an apartment, and my itty bitty kitchen is (WAS) always a mess.

I was so excited to start this challenge that I forgot to take before pictures.

But honestly. I am so embarrassed. Just imagine the worst possible scenario and it probably looks good compared to what mine was.

I am NEVER letting it get like that again, so honestly, I'm glad I don't have the before pictures.

I don't even want to think about it when I can look at my organized, clean, clutter free kitchen!

Taylor says:

Alison, you did a wonderful job. You really should be proud of your accomplishments!

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Relaxing To Walk Into A Clean Kitchen Each Morning

by Ashley

Ashley from Chapter 4 shared an after picture from this challenge.

It looks absolutely great! And wow, look at all that counter space. Lots of room. How awesome.

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From Messy To Beautiful Kitchen Counters

by Katy

After - 1

After - 1

Katy from Thrift Me shared several before and after pictures.

She said of the before picture, "Not the worst room in my home, but definitely messy. Dirty dishes, clutter, and folded laundry. {Hah!}"

It looked great when she was done!

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Kitchen Has Stayed Clean For Over A Week Now!

by Amy



Amy from Amy's Corner shared before and after pictures of her counters after doing the challenge.

She said, "I am happy to report that my kitchen has stayed clean for over a week now and almost every night the sink is clear of dishes.

The kitchen table has stayed clean (and I didn't even need a table cloth to achieve it)."

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Put Items No Longer Used Up For Sale On EBay

by A Real Housewife In Houston

A Real Housewife in Houston blogged about her accomplishments from the first week's challenge.

One of the things she did was put up a couple items she was decluttering from her home for sale on eBay.

That is definitely a good way to make a little cash while also getting rid of clutter!

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I Have Taken Possession Of My Kitchen Again

by Geneviève
(Gatineau, Québec, Canada)

My super clean kitchen #1

My super clean kitchen #1

Today I cleared off my kitchen counters, my table and sink!

It was quite easy because I don't really like to cook, so I don't have a lot of small appliances in there.

I don't have any pictures of my kitchen before, but I took a picture of what I got rid of and one of my kitchen free of those items and clear of any dirty dishes, cause there was a lot! (plumbing problem over the week-end... so I have not been able to wash anything during 3 days in a row.... ouash!)

So now I have taken possession of my kitchen again, here are the pictures!

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After Pictures Of Decluttered Counters

by Bry

Bry from Team Collard showed two after pictures after doing this challenge.

Great job Bry!

Have You Been Inspired To Organize Your Home Now?

organized home challenge
I hope these transformations from cluttered to fabulous have inspired you to work on your own kitchens.

In fact, why don't you get your whole house organized? You can by joining the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge today. Over the course of a year you can work on each room of your home, and specific types of items, slowing getting everything decluttered and organized.

Further, if you specifically want to organize your kitchen counters take Week #1's Challenge which is specifically about this task.

Once you've done it make sure to share your accomplishments with me here and I'll add them to the site!

Related Pages You May Enjoy

Getting Rid Of Kitchen Clutter Hall Of Fame

Go From Organizing Kitchen Counters Hall Of Fame {Part 7} To Home Page

Comments for After Pictures Of Decluttered Counters

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this year my counters had hardly anything to fix up
by: Jenny R

Thank you Taylor for the Declutter calendar - this is the third year I have started in January and I am really pleased that this year my counters had hardly anything to fix up thanks to the previous decluttering, so this year I will focus on the evening reset habits to try and dry and put away dishes for that clear kitchen in the morning which puts a big smile on my face 😀

( I haven’t persisted past January previously 😚 so this year am going to try to consolidate the daily decluttering habit for the whole year 😄)

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Click to read Taylor's review of Eat at Home meal plans, while the annual plan sale is happening now

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