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Week #31 Organized Home Challenge
Organize Shoes & Boots

This week's challenge is to organize shoes and boots for yourself and family members.

Here are step by step instructions for how to organize shoes and boots for both adults and kids, including in both the bedroom and in the entryway {part of the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

In a way this week's task isn't really too hard, even if you tackle every pair of shoes in the house, because we're just dealing with shoes.

But on the other hand, at least for some of us, we absolutely love shoes. And since I'll be asking you to declutter the pairs down to what you can really realistically store in your house, in the space you've got, this can be difficult.

Don't panic though if this is you. Just work through it one pair at a time, and you'll most likely discover some shoes you've completely forgotten but that will quickly become new favorites, while gaining the resolve to reduce your collection.

Are you new here? The Organize Shoes Challenge is part of the 52 Weeks To An Organized Home Challenge. (Click the link to learn how to join us for free for future and past challenges if you aren't already a regular reader).

Step 1: Declutter Excess Shoes

Get Rid of Closet Clutter Hall of Fame

The first task, as always, is to gather up all of the shoes in your house, from all the different places you keep them either on purpose, or where they get slipped off your feet, and declutter your pairs down to a more realistic amount.

Deal with one person's shoes at a time, or all the shoes in a particular location, to make the task a bit easier. However, you'll want to make sure you keep shoes from each category, including athletic, casual, work or shool, evening or dress shoes, and also weather related shoes such as boots and sandals.

To help you with this task I've written an article about how to declutter shoes for both adults and kids, listing no brainer types of shoes to declutter, plus guidelines for how many shoes adults and kids really need, so you can more realistically declutter.

How to declutter shoesClick here for How To Declutter Shoes

Step 2: Deal With Shoe Storage In Entryways

entryway organizerCreate a designated spot in entryway for
shoes, coats and bags [Click to buy on Amazon]

As we discuss in the Mudroom and Entryway Organization Challenge it is common to have shoes in the entranceway or mudroom of your home. In fact, it can make perfect sense.

What you don't want is for those shoes to just pile up in a clutter pile, where people can't find the ones they want, or actually trip over them when coming in and out.

Instead of banning all shoes by the door, which is rather unrealistic, instead create a designated storage spot for these shoes, and make some rules for your family about how many pairs of shoes, or types of shoes, they can keep in that location.

Common types of shoes that are often found by the front door include those worn almost daily, such as tennis shoes for kids, and those related to the weather or outdoor uses, such as rain or winter boots, or gardening shoes.

Keeping weather related shoes by the door (only during the season they're in use though) makes sense because taking them off soon after entering keeps dirt, snow or rain from being tracked through the house. And a place for everyday types of shoes makes sense because then people can find them easily right before they leave the house.

The key to dealing with shoes in the entranceway is to understand there has to be a limited number of shoes -- no more than can easily fit into the storage area you designate for them. The rest need to go somewhere else!

Here are my tips for decluttering shoes in your entryway, and then developing the habits to keep the space free from excess shoe clutter from now on.

How to declutter shoes in your entrywayClick here for Decluttering Shoes In Entryway

Common Storage Solutions For Shoes In Entryway Or Mudroom

boot tray for wet shoesKeep wet shoes from dripping on your floor with
a boot tray [Click here to buy similar item on Amazon]
  • Baskets or cubbies - It's best if each family member can have their own cubby or small basket, if there's enough room, although this isn't always feasible
  • Hanging or over the door shoe organizer in an entryway closet - if you've got enough room in an entryway closet this can be a good place to store shoes since then they are out of sight
  • Boot trays or similar area for wet shoes and boots - instead of these shoes causing a puddle of water on the floor, you may want to consider placing a rubber grid on top of a drip tray to place them on while they dry (or using a product similar to the one shown above)

Step 3: Organize Shoes In Closets

The rest of your family's shoes that aren't held in the entryway need to be kept in a closet or bedroom.

Closetmaid shoe cubbyShoe cubbies can work in both closets or an
entryway [Click here to purchase on Amazon]

Again, you should only keep the amount of shoes in each closet that you have room for. You may need to declutter further if there is not enough storage space.

Another possibility would be to keep only the in-season shoes in your closet, and the out-of-season shoes in a storage area and switch them out. This allows you to keep more shoes overall, but still have adequate space in your closet.

Be realistic though and know if you'll actually take the time to deal with switching the shoes out each season. This is easy to do if you do a seasonal clothing swap for clothing so if you're already in that habit, this can be a viable solution for you.

Whatever storage solution you choose, and I'll discuss those more below in step 4, make sure to keep the mated pairs together, and for ease of finding the pair you should arrange them by categories.

You can use the same categories I discussed above, when discussing decluttering.

Special Consideration For Boots

Many shoe storage solutions can't actually fit larger footwear, like boots into them. So if you (or other family members) have a boot collection of just about any size you'll need to consider both storage solutions for boots and for shoes, separately.

Whatever method you choose, make sure you are treating your boots with the care they deserve.

prevent bent boots with boot shapersPrevent sagging and bent boots by using boot shapers
[Click here to purchase boot shapers on Amazon]

Sturdy boots, such as work, rain or snow boots can be stored in more ways than dress boots, because they don't typically bend over.

However, when storing dress boots make sure you keep the shaft of the boot straight and upright, and keep some type of shapener inside so they don't fold down and wrinkle or get disfigured, like what happened to the boots shown on the right.

I suggest using boot shapers, or a similar product, to keep your boots from bending in this manner.

Step 4: Consider These Shoe Storage Solutions

There are many ways to store shoes, either in your entranceway, mudroom, or closet. I mentioned some of the most common ways above for entranceways.

Here's the most common solutions you might want to choose from:

Shoe Boxes

A simple way to store shoes is to use shoe boxes, but I will warn that it takes a lot of space to do it this way. Plus, this works best for shoes you don't wear frequently, because otherwise trying to get yourself to put them back into the box each evening, and out again in the morning is too much work and you just won't do it.

If you decide to use this method you can either use the boxes the shoes came in, or you can get some plastic shoe boxes (referral link) for a more uniform look.

If you do use boxes I suggest taking a picture of each pair of shoes, and attaching that to the front of the box so you have a visual inventory of what is held in there, making it easier to find the pair you need.

If you have just one or two pairs of nice boots it might be easiest for you to just store them inside their box to keep them looking good between wearings. They also make boxes that are longer for boot storage (referral link) if you no longer have the original boxes.

Shoe Racks

Another common solution is a shoe rack, and these are often placed on the floor of your closet. In theory these are great, because they utilize the floor space that otherwise might not be used that is below your hanging clothes.

However, consider if it is in your closet how accessible a rack on the floor will actually be. If you've got to kneel down and manuever around hanging clothing to use it there, it may not really be a good solution.

over the door shoe organizerOver the door shoe
organizer [Click to
buy on Amazon

On the other hand, if you don't mind your shoes being out in the open shoe racks can be great in an entrywy or mudroom where you can easily place your shoes on them.

My point is merely to think about where you're placing them before you decide if they'll be a good solution for you.

Shoe Organizers: Over The Door & Hanging Varieties

Shoe organizers are one of my favorite shoe storage solutions because they often utilize otherwise unused space, and are typically easy to access.

An over the door shoe organizer can use the back of an otherwise unused closet door. Similarly, a hanging organizer can be used, hanging on your closet clothes hanging rod, if you don't have too many clothes taking up actual closet space.

Shelves and Cubbies

Shelves and cubbies have many of the advantages that shoe organizers have, although the difference is that shelves and cubbies are typically built in or are assembled pieces of furniture.

They are more sturdy and generally look a bit nicer than organizers as well, but also take up more space and cost more.

Between shelves and cubbies I personally like cubbies more than shelves, just because shoe cubbies can keep the pairs mated and separated more easily, instead of them getting as jumbled together on a shelf.

However, if you've got large shoes, and men shoe's especially, can be a tight fit in some cubbies and in such instances shelves work much better. You've got to keep the size of your shoes in mind when choosing what solution will work best for you.

Under The Bed Organizer

boot organizer rackBoot organizer racks keep boots from folding over
[Click here to buy similar product on Amazon]

If you don't have space in your closet, you might consider storage for your shoes under your bed.

Honestly though, these can be very difficult to get shoes in and out of, and I would suggest using them for out-of-season storage mainly, for that reason.

Boot Storage Solutions

I already mentioned above that you might want to store your boots in the box they came in.

However, other boot storage solutions you might consider include boot racks, which hold the boots upside down, boot hangers, or even boot stands.

I would be careful with boot hangers which have clips, because they can cause marks in the boots where they clamp onto the top of the footwear.

Whichever type of solution you choose for your boots just make sure that it keeps the boots from bending over.

Some people just line up along the wall of their closet, and honestly that works quite well as long as you've got something inside the boot, like I mentioned above, to keep them upright.

Listen To Taylor's Video Tips For This Week's Organized Home Challenge & Declutter 365 Missions

Do you want more in-depth tips and instructions for how to do this week's missions and challenge all about decluttering and organizing shoes? If so, I've got recorded video tips from me, Taylor, from the video archives in the Declutter 365 Premium group, all about this week's challenge and missions.

These video tips are available on demand in the archives, once you're a member of the group.

In Week #31's video I discussed the following topics, among others:

  • Tips for decluttering shoes
  • Dealing with piles of shoes by the door
  • Tips for organizing shoes in your closet
  • Declutter 365 missions for week
Declutter 365 Premium video archive available on demand all about decluttering and organizing shoes, on Home Storage Solutions 101use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

I suggest watching the video archive for the week, perhaps while you're doing some decluttering or cleaning around your home, before starting the week's missions and Challenge, and then you'll be able to breeze through this week's worth of decluttering missions, as well as organize what's necessary for the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge, based on the advice and instructions within those videos.

It really is like having me, Taylor, available, 24-7, as your decluttering and organizing coach, for every area of your home!

Plus, once you're a member of Declutter 365 Premium you get access to not only this video, but all the videos for the 52 weeks of the year, for 6 years (that's over 270 videos available in the archives!)

Learn more about the Declutter 365 Premium Group

Get This Shoes & Accessories Decluttering Checklist + 32 Other Decluttering Checklists For Your Home

Right now you're decluttering your shoes and accessories, and there's a lot of types of these items to get rid of.

Get your 1 page shoes and accessories decluttering checklist, plus 32 other decluttering checklists, to help you declutter your entire home here.

Get this shoes and accessories decluttering checklist and 32 other decluttering checklists for your home {on Home Storage Solutions 101}

I've done the hard work of breaking down these tasks into smaller more manageable steps for you, so you don't get overwhelmed or worry you're forgetting a task, and you can go at the pace you want, whether that's fast or slow.

In addition, you can tackle these decluttering tasks in whatever order you want when you use these checklists!

Click here to learn more about 33 Decluttering Checklists Pack

Tell Me How The Organize Shoes Challenge Is Going For You

Organize Shoes Challengeuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

I would love to know how this week's Challenge is going. You can tell me your progress or give me more ideas for how you've organized this items in your home in the comments below.

I also would love to see before and after pictures of your organized shoes and boots once you've completed the challenge. Submit your pictures (up to four per submission) and blog posts and get featured in the Creative Storage Solutions Hall of Fame. You've worked hard to get organized, so now here's your chance to show off!

Back to school organization challenge

Sneak Peek For Next Week's Challenge

We're working on our homes slowly, one area at a time, so don't get too distracted from this week's Challenge. However, I know you like to know what is coming up, so I'll tell you.

Since the beginning of school is creeping up for many of us soon, we're going to take a week to focus on back to school organization.

Make Sure You Make The Most Of These 52 Organizing Challenges

Get your copy of the printable one page 52 Week Organized Home Challenge schedule for the year here, so you can see all the challenges we're working on.

Get your schedule for this year's 52 Week Organized Home Challenge

Further, if you'd like to join a community of others who are all commmitted to these organizing challenges and corresponding decluttering missions, and want more interaction with me, Taylor, video archives of Taylor providing more tips for each of these challenges and missions, as well as live monthly group coaching sessions focusing on the skills and habits necessary to maintain your home from now on, I'd urge you to join the private and exclusive Declutter 365 Premium Facebook group (you can learn more about it at the link).

Declutter 365 missions premium

In addition, have you gotten your Declutter 365 Products yet, to make sure you can get even more assistance with decluttering and organizing your home this year? There are both free products (like the Declutter 365 calendar, a $20 value), as well as add-ons, such as daily text messages, planner stickers, and a Premium Facebook group, as well as a pack of printabe decluttering checklists.

Declutter 365 products to help you declutter your home over the course of this year

Here are step by step instructions for how to organize shoes and boots for both adults and kids, including in both the bedroom and in the entryway {part of the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge on Home Storage Solutions 101} #OrganizeShoes #ShoeOrganization #OrganizingShoesuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Some links on this page are affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase a product through them I receive a small commission which helps me provide this information to you for free, plus support my family. My integrity and your satisfaction are very important to me so I only recommend products I would purchase myself, and that I believe would benefit you. To learn more please see my disclosure statement.

Click to read Taylor's review of Eat at Home meal plans, while the annual plan sale is happening now

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Join the Home Storage Solutions 101 newsletter, and get as your free gift the 2024 Declutter 365 Calendar (a $20 value) from me, Taylor, your decluttering and organizing guide.

When you work through the Declutter 365 missions, and accompanying 52 Week Organized Home Challenges, you'll be able to declutter your home one mission at a time, organize what's left, and learn the skills, habits and routines to maintain your space from now on.

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