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Lego Storage Ideas & Solutions: Real Life Examples

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Below I've gathered lots of Lego storage ideas and solutions from the real world, ranging from those for little kids to avid adult collectors.

Before checking out all the ideas though this is what I'm learning, both as the mother of a boy who absolutely loves Legos, but also from seeing all these cool ideas and receiving tips from many of you to create this page.

The Size Of Your Collection Affects Your Storage Choices

floss organizer boxA small divided organizer box is great
for minifigures and small pieces
Click here to buy on Amazon
As usual, there are so many ways you can organize and store these tiny bricks and other accessories, including minifigures and all the other little parts that come with the sets.

One thing you definitely need to consider is how many bricks do you need to organize and store? If you've got a very small number (relatively) choose a very simple storage solution.

If you've got a huge collection, and believe me below you will see some huge collections that will blow your mind, then you need a much more elaborate system.

That's because the more stuff you have the harder it is to find those tiny little bricks in the mess.

The Age Of The People Playing With Legos Is Important To Consider

Along with the size of the collection you've got, another thing to consider when organizing and storing your Legos is the age(s) of the people playing with them.

Let's face it, kids will be kids. They like to dump out boxes of stuff and just pick and grab what they want. When they're done playing they're ready to just
walk away.

If you spend all your time trying to sort all the little pieces, or fighting with them to do it themselves, no one will be happy.

So although the slightly OCD side of yourself may enjoy dividing pieces by size and color into their own areas in drawer dividers your children may like to just dump it in the drawer or box and be done.

If they're happy with that method, fine. If they dislike sorting through all the bricks though to find the one they want perhaps a more elaborate system is in order.

Whatever you choose though, make sure your child, if your storage is for a child, can withstand their tendencies to entropy without driving you batty because they mess up "your" organizational system within 15 seconds of their whirlwind of play.

Organization Takes Time: Do Enough To Make Building With Legos Enjoyable But No More

small parts drawersSmall parts drawers make organizing easier
Click here to purchase on Amazon
As you'll see with the pictures below you can get really elaborate with your organization and sorting of Legos.

There's something to be said for that, such as:
  • Shallow drawers are better than deep ones

  • Small divided containers are great for extremely small and rare pieces, especially minifigures

  • Sorting by size and/or color can make it easier to let creativity reign when building your masterpieces
On the other hand, all those things take time.

Make it as complicated as it needs to be, but no more complicated. The whole point of Legos, after all, is to enjoy them, not spend all your time sorting and dealing with them!

Are you ready for some ideas now? Well, I've got lots of them!

Lots of real life Lego storage ideas and solutions {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Photo courtesy of oskay

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Multi Drawer Storage Cabinets For The Serious Lego Builder

by Mike

I thought I would start out with some pictures that made my jaw drop.

These pictures are from Mike, and as you can see he's got a whole room of his house devoted to his hobby.

Wow! This is both an extensive and organized collection!

He uses lots of multi drawer storage cabinets for all his bricks, so that he can find what he wants from all his choices.

Here are some from Amazon. They have so many organizing uses around your home!

Small Parts Storage Cabinets {Referral Links}

Photos courtesy of pmiaki

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The Ultimate Lego Room: Lots Of Large Storage Drawers With Dividers

by Sam Butcher

Sam has an entire room devoted to his Legos as well, and he's got a LOT!

He uses mainly large stackable drawers, not the small drawer storage containers, because of the amount of bricks he owns.

As you can see in the first picture he tries to further divide these larger drawers by using drawer dividers which allow for more organization within the drawers themselves.

This is obviously extreme for most people with a much more modest number of Legos, but I think it is helpful to see how he does it.

He sorts by color and type.

Notice in the fourth picture that he also has a box full of unsorted bricks. It's his "to sort" box. It takes a lot of work to get this organized!

Really think about how deep you want the drawers to be before you buy something. Remember that typically shallow drawers are better for organizing small pieces, but obviously as much doesn't fit in them!

Storage Drawers {Referral Links}

Photos courtesy of LegomanNZ

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DIY Lego Table With Storage Drawers

by Lorie

Lorie says:

If your child loves Legos, like my son, here is a great way to wrangle up all the pieces and keep them organized.

The book shelf is from Target (about $45) and the fabric bins were $10.

The bins have Legos in them.

I used the middle for his favorite books.

We will be adding Lego building mats onto the top. Way cheaper than a Lego table!

Taylor says:

Thanks for sharing this picture Lorie. I know what you mean about those tables being so darn expensive!

Great idea.

For smaller kids this low height would be good. I found items similar to what you've shown above on Amazon if you want to make your own table this way.

Note Lorie hadn't yet put on the large Lego building plates on the top, but that is necessary if you're making your own table:

Storage Cubes {Referral Links}

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IKEA Trofast Shelves & Bins For Storing Legos & Makeshift Table

by Davelle

We have the Trofast shelves and bins from IKEA.

They are awesome to separate all the colors.

Deep bins are hard to dig through.

Trofast Like Drawers {Referral Links}

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Stackable Pull Out Drawers With Unsorted Pieces: Small Collections Need Less Organization

by Linus Bohman

Linus shared a picture of his personal collection. They aren't in a very convenient spot, he explained, but that is where he had room so that's where he put them.

Unlike some avid Lego fans he currently doesn't sort his bricks, but instead just keeps them in the drawers.

The smaller the collection the easier this is to do. The more bricks you've got the more you've got to keep them organized or you'll never find the piece you want, when you want it.

Shallow Storage Drawers {Referral Links}

Photo courtesy of Bohman

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Lego Minifigure Storage Ideas

by Eren

The Lego Minifigures seem to have their own organizing and storage issues, and I thought they should get their own treatment.

Unlike interchangeable bricks you absolutely don't want to lose or misplace your minifigure when building -- they're is often just one of them.

But they're absolutely tiny.

I liked this idea above from Eren who used a printer's tray and repurposed it for storing these minifigures.

Of course, there are other possible ways to organize them as well.

They have little cases branded with Lego made just for the figures, and another idea are boxes with dividers. You can use something like a bead or floss and thread organizer, or something made for Legos.

Here are some examples:

Minifigure Storage {Referral Links}

Photos courtesy of eren {sea+prairie}

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Lego Storage Solution: Drawers & Organizers Behind Closet Doors

by Bill Ward

Bill is obviously quite a serious Lego collector as well, but instead of keeping everything out in the open he hides it behind his closed closet door.

He's got small drawered storage cabinets as well, but he also has large numbers of bricks in stackable plastic storage containers, all sorted.

I would suggest a balance between the size of these containers -- too big and they'll become a jumble of bricks and you won't be able to find anything. Too small and you won't be able to fit much in them and if you've got a lot of one type of brick that might not work.

Storage Containers {Referral Links}

Photos courtesy of Bill Ward's Brickpile

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Reuse Small Plastic Containers For Organizing A Small Brick Collection

If you've got a small collection small containers you may already have in your home might be the solution you need.

For example, MiRo740 shared this photo of how she organized for her children.

She ended up using old washed out salad containers, instead of throwing them away. She explained, "they're strong and durable, so I found it a waste to toss them after 1 use."

She and her children organized theirs by type and color.

Photo courtesy of MiRo740 on Flickr CC

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DIY Lego Box By Repurposing Large Diaper Box

by Kelly

This was a cardboard LUVS box that I covered in fabric I had given to me.

It's now our Lego bin.

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I Hope These Lego Storage Ideas Can Help You!

I hope these Lego storage solutions and organization ideas have helped you.

After seeing all this perhaps that box of unsorted and unorganized Legos can become transformed into something that fosters creativity for yourself and your kids and you make all kinds of cool creations with your bricks.

Of course, honestly, there isn't anything wrong with a box of Legos like what is show above either. At least they aren't on the floor killing your feet in the middle of the night when you step on one this way!

Are You Inspired To Get Organized Now?

organize toys and games challenge
If what you've seen inspires you I'd love it if you joined me in the site's 52 Week Organized Home Challenge. As the name suggests over the course of the year we work on one room or type of item at a time, and slowly get our homes decluttered and organized.

Organizing these small toys is part of the Organize Toys Challenge.

In addition, we work on decluttering toys with small parts here, which is one of the Declutter 365 missions on this site.

Have you tackled organizing your or your child's Lego bricks and want to show off what you've done? If so, I'd love to see. You can share your own pictures here and I'll add them to the site.

Photo courtesy of oskay

Some links on this page are affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase a product through them I receive a small commission which helps me provide this information to you for free, plus support my family. My integrity and your satisfaction are very important to me so I only recommend products I would purchase myself, and that I believe would benefit you. To learn more please see my disclosure statement.

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Comments for I Hope These Lego Storage Ideas Can Help You!

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Use a sheet to make cleanup easier
by: Cindy

We do just a big Tupperware box full of Legos. I don't try to organize them, but I do put a sheet or thin blanket in the box first before putting the Legos in and then they just take the sheet out with all the Legos in it and spread it out so that it is easy cleanup after. Just wrap the sheet back up and put it back in.

by: Deb

It's been many years since I've had to deal with the Lego issue. They are currently in some pretty large storage bins in the attic, just waiting for my son to have kids!

under the bed storage
by: Phaeryn

We got our son an under the bed storage holder for his Legos. It's flat and he can easily slide it out when he wants to play and back for clean up. The other advantages are that it is really wide so his little pieces don't "miss" the opening when he has to put them away quickly, and it's big enough to hold the Lego floor pieces, those big blue or green sheets to stick the other pieces to.

For the love of Legos!
by: Adriana

We have a very extensive LEGO collection. I have a love for LEGOs and 3 of my 4 girls also love LEGOs. So it's hard for me to say no to them when they want more LEGOs. Currently we don't have a sorting system and my youngest would really love one.

My youngest has twelve 30 quart containers for her LEGOs. Two 15 quart containers that are long and flat for the instruction booklets and stickers that come with the sets. Between my middle two they only have three 30 quart containers. The collections have over grown the containers, we currently have unopened boxes of LEGOs because we just don't have any where to put them once they come out.

I like a lot of these ideas. Now to figure out what will work for us. Also trying to decide if we want storage containers before we move or after we move.

Organizing Star Wars Kits-help!
by: Anne

We have tons of Legos from Star Wars kits, most of the instructions, and a bunch of storage solutions. Now to figure out the pieces for each kit and get them back together. I think my son would love to make the models again but just looking at a jumble of pieces turns him off.

He's been sorting this summer, now anyone have a good idea for getting the kits back together?

I hate Legos
by: Anonymous

I hate Legos! I don't want to spend the time or have the patience to implement any of these super organized by color and cross organized by size ideas! Good job to them for having that kind of patience! We have a million Legos in a giant plastic Rubbermaid tub. The kids have to pick them up, and if they don't, they lose them for a week!

Lego plural?
by: Anonymous

Lego is just Lego be it one brick or thousands, like fish or sheep! Not Legos.

We use something called Lay-N-Go
by: Sandy

Our grandson loves Legos and when he was younger and went on trips with us, we bought something called Lay-n-Go (affiliate link) to take his Legos with us on the trips. It worked great. He still uses it here at our home when he comes to visit.

Jelly Roll Pans
by: Anonymous

My son is an avid Lego builder with many, many sets. But his ASD/ADHD traits make cleanup a challenge. We created a slotted shelf (repurposed wood palettes) in which rimmed jelly roll pans could slide into the slots between boards. My son can use them for play (fewer pieces lost in carpet), pile projects or spare Legos on them and just slide them back into their slots. We built the shelf of trays under his Lego desk. Keeps it accessible and contained.

reply to Anonymous who is concerned with pluralization
by: Taylor

Yes, I have heard this now, many times. Lego people seem to be keen on telling this vital information about pluralization. And I actually do appreciate the knowledge, but I also find I try not to sweat the small stuff. I'll be more careful in the future, but I'm not wasting time worrying about past mistakes either. :)

Swoop bags
by: Treasure

We have 2 of these swoop bags (affiliate link) and about to buy another. You probably can find DIY patterns online.

Super easy to clean up!!

tackle box
by: Anonymous

My son used to use a tackle box - not nearly as large as many of these other ideas, but it worked for his collection.

Life Long Lego Fan
by: Anonymous

When I was a kid, I bought a Craftsman tool chest to sort my Legos, and then had two of the under bed style rubbermaid containers for the ones I didn't care to sort. It worked great, and was actually cheaper than a lot of the rubber maid multidrawer solutions. Now that I am older I have a tool chest for my tools. My kids are building on top of my collection, and we have expanded the rubbermaid storage, but my big issue is that the sets are so cool now, nobody wants to take things apart anymore, and we don't have the display space for all these amazing sets.

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