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Kitchen Counter Organization Hall Of Fame {Part 6}

So many people have taken the kitchen counter organization challenge that I'm now sharing part 6 of the hall of fame! Wow!

Kitchen Organization Challenge
And trust me, when people clear their countertops of clutter and extra stuff and pare it down to the essentials, giving themselves lots of work space for food preparation and other tasks they're very happy.

It makes such a huge difference in their everyday lives!

If what you see below inspires you I urge you to join the weekly organizing challenges. You can check out all the details of the Week #1 Challenge here, which is what each of these readers did.

Then, once you've done these tasks go ahead and brag. I want to cheer you on. You can share your own before and after pictures here and I'll feature them here on the site.

Photo courtesy of rick

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Beautiful Cleared Kitchen Countertops And Sink Area

by Keli @ KAJ Photography

Keli shared these after pictures.

Lovely! Absolutely lovely! Great job.

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Lee-Anne Discovered She Had More Counter Space Than She Thought!

by Lee-Anne @ Life In A Peanut Free Shell



Lee-Anne from Life In A Peanut Free Shell shared before and after pictures when she tackled this week's challenge.

kitchen utensil storage and organization ideas
She said, "We REALLY needed this challenge, so I’m doubly-glad it was first! We actually don’t have much counter space, or at least I thought we didn’t. Turns out it was just covered with crap that didn’t need to be there in the first place!"

You did a really great job Lee-Anne! I especially love the way you store your kitchen utensils.

If you want to check out more utensil storage and organization ideas here.

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Put Everything In Its Place & Decluttered!

by Mae Starr
(Texas USA)

Mae says:

I just finished challenge #1!

I was able to put everything in it's place, de-clutter and get rid of excess junk!

Also, got rid of "in sink" dish rack and am doing dishes as they are being dirtied, drying and putting away immediately.

Taylor says:

This is wonderful Mae. Thanks so much for sharing your accomplishments! I'm proud of you.

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Challenge Gave Motivation To Stop Procrastinating & It Looks Great

by Sandy
(Purcellville, VA)

After - 1

After - 1

Sandy says:

Finding this 52-weeks to an organized home challenge gave me just the motivation I needed to stop procrastinating.

The reason it took me this long to get that first step accomplished was that I first had to do part of week 2 (reorganize some kitchen cabinets) and part of week 3 (reorganize pantry) before I could find a home for all the stuff you can see in the two "Before" pictures.

I was truly amazed at all the space I was able to free up and how much I was able to get off the counters as a result.

Taylor says:

This looks amazing Sandy! Great job on really three weeks of the challenge! :)

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The Counters Have Been Cleared Of All Unnecessary Items!

by Catalina



Catalina from At Home, At Work, at Play shared before and after pictures when she took this challenge.

She has also been keeping up with the habit of keeping her kitchen sink clear. She says, "I have done this faithfully every day since I got my cupboards cleared. And yesterday, when I started dinner, my sink was clear. I was able to fill up the sink, toss my dirty dishes into the sink as I used them and loaded them all into the dishwasher while the lasagna was in the oven. Then all I had to do was the lasagna pan, the spatula and our dinner dishes. It was so nice to not have any 'extras.'"

Awesome Catalina!

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Jennie's Kept Her Counters Clear This Whole Time!

by Jennie

Jennie shared this collage of pictures on the site's Facebook wall, showing how she has kept her kitchen counters clear since the challenge.

She says: "I have been behind a little on the challenge but want to show that my kitchen counters are still clean. :) A lot of work and my hubby helps a lot with the dishes."

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This Can Make Such A Huge Difference In Your Kitchen!

by Robin



Robin shared a couple of before and after pictures.

She explained how it might have been a whole lot of change, but it really made a huge difference in her kitchen.

Looks great! Congrats!

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Clear Counter Tops Can Make You Feel Amazing!

by Ferris @ The Hamman Family Blog

Ferris from The Hamman Family Blog shared before and after pictures of her counters. She explained that once they were cleared she felt amazing!

(I only shared one of the before photos here, but she cleared off a lot of stuff in all three shots!)

This is a complete transformation Ferris. It looks amazing.

Has This Inspired You To Get Organized?

organized home challenge
Are you as amazed by the difference clearing your countertops can make to the look of your kitchen as I am?

If you've been inspired to get your own kitchen organized after seeing these before and after pictures from those who've taken the challenge I would encourage you to join the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge where we tackle a different room or type of item each week and over the course of the year get the whole house back in shape and decluttered.

Further, once you've done Week #1's challenge (which is what these readers did) than make sure to share your own photos here and I'll add them to the hall of fame.

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Getting Rid Of Kitchen Clutter Hall Of Fame

Go From Kitchen Counter Organization Hall Of Fame {Part 6} To Home Page

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