GoodBudget App Review: Previously Known As EEBA
Kristen (and others below) shared reviews of the GoodBudget app. It is a free app which is available for both Apple and Android, and which was formerly known as EEBA. It uses the idea of the envelope method for budgeting.
Kristen says:
The Easy Envelope Budget App changed to GoodBudget recently. I only began using it after the change.
My husband was not thrilled with the idea of my walking around with envelopes of cash and carrying around a sheet of paper with the information was not working, so this seemed like a good compromise. It has turned out to be!
I like that I can use it on the computer or my Android phone (Samsung Galaxy S3).
I do wish there was a way to zero out all the envelopes at the end of the month in one fell swoop (and maybe I just haven't figure it out yet) but that is my only complaint.
Others who used EEBA before the change are complaining though--saying that the former app was better.
I can't compare, but I'm pretty happy with the GoodBudget app.
Taylor says:
Thanks so much for this review Kristen. I've got some additional reviews below of this app when it used to be called EEBA.
Where To Get This App
You can get this free app through my referral links here:

Easy Envelope Budget Aid App (EEBA) Review: Great Budgeting App
by HSS101 Reader
An HSS101 reader shared an app she loves, the Easy Envelope Budget Aid (EEBA) app.
HSS101 Reader says:
This is a budget app using the envelope system. I love this app because I like the concept of the envelope system, but don't like carrying around envelopes full of money.
This app allows me to use my credit cards, but still stick to our budget.
Taylor says:
Thanks so much for sharing which budget and financial app you like the most!
As I mentioned before this app is free, and available for both Apple and Android products!
Where To Get This App
You can get this free app through my referral links here:
In addition to this envelope budgeting software program, I have also personally tried
Pear Budget (click to read my review and information about it), and have really enjoyed this.
I'd love to hear from even more people who have used this or any other home budgeting or financial apps, sharing what you think about them, good or bad.
***Update: A reader, JJ, wrote in with his opinions about this app as well. He said:
This is a wonderful budget system. I can manage all my monthly expenses online! I highly recommend this program and it is accurate, convenient, and easy to utilize from my iphone, ipad, and PC.
***End Update
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