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Declutter Abandoned Craft Projects {15 Minute Mission}

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Today's decluttering mission is to declutter abandoned and unfinished craft projects. And if you love to craft, even a little, you probably have at least one of these lurking types of projects around somewhere.

Craft Organization Challenge
This mission is designed to be done during the Craft Organization Challenge, which is part of the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge.

Crafting is a creative and time intensive endeavor, so if you run out of one or both of these things, creativity or time, while doing a project you might eventually abandon it.

The reasons are varied though for why you might not have finished the project, but at a certain point it isn't just put off to later, but it has become abandoned.

Today's the day to face facts, and admit to yourself you're just not going to finish ___________ (you fill in the blank) and just let yourself move on.

What Is Keeping You From Getting Rid Of Some Of These Craft Projects?

I have found when this mission rolls around each year on the Declutter 365 calendar that it often sparks a strong reaction from people.

Sometimes this reaction is positive, but often the larger reactions to this mission are negative. I've heard words like, "no," "never," and even, "you'll not pry this craft project out of my cold dead hands!"

The question I always ask when a mission strikes such a nerve is, "why?"

I have been thinking about it, and my conclusion is that often these reactions are caused by one of several emotions.

How and why to declutter abandoned and unfinished craft projects, including discussion of the emotions holding you back from getting rid of this clutter and ideas for what to do with these projects once you've decided to get them out of your home. {a #Declutter365 mission on Home Storage Solutions 101} #DeclutterCrafts #CraftClutteruse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest
The first possible emotion is guilt.

You spent good money for the supplies for that project, and you also spent a good amount of time on it before abandoning it, so now to get rid of it makes you feel guilty.

The thing is, crafts are supposed to be fun and relaxing. If you don't feel that way about the project anymore and you have no desire to do it, letting go of the guilt can set you free.

In fact, I've heard this exact sentiment when people have done this mission, and they use words like feeling "lighter," and breathing a sigh of relief. That makes me believe that as they physically get rid of that project they're also emotionally letting go of the guilt associated with it.

Similar emotions that can cause someone not to want to let go of these projects include that it has sentimental value, and/or that it symbolizes letting go of a dream.

I've written an entire article on some of the major emotions that can cause someone to hold onto clutter here, so go check it out for tips and strategies to help you recognize the emotions that make you feel this way about this mission so you can confront them, and then
get rid of this clutter in your home.

Get Rid Of The Project Or Make A Commitment To Finish It, With A Deadline

Sometimes as you declutter a lot of stuff in your home you eventually find yourself with more time and energy, because clutter sucks up both.

Once you've got some of that time and energy back you may discover some of these long lost projects that you hadn't thought about in years and suddenly you may find yourself excited to begin them again.

Good, then go for it! I certainly don't want you to declutter something that you still love and have room for. BUT if you are going to keep some of these unfinished projects this is a slippery slope, so I want you to make a commitment to actually finish it, and give yourself a deadline.

Even better, make a schedule for yourself of when you'll work on it, such as each weekend while watching your favorite television show, for example.

The point is that you have already abandoned it once, so to earn its place in your home you've got to get even more serious about doing the project or out it should go.

How To Avoid Unfinished Craft Projects In The Future

Finally, it is best to avoid unfinished craft projects in the future by making a rule for yourself that you will not start another project until the one you've already begun is complete.

BUT don't get so caught up in this rule that if you've tried something new, and it just isn't making you happy and scratching that crafting itch for you that you can't abandon it.

The thing is, you CAN have unfinished craft projects because I certainly don't advocate finishing something that is supposed to be done for fun when it is not actually fun for you.

But the difference you need to make is being up front with yourself, right away, that you're quitting it, and then disposing of it in some fashion, quickly. Soon after you've made the decision.

Clutter is often the result of delayed decisions, so make your decision and then get it out of your home.

What you don't want to happen is to stash the unfinished project somewhere in your house where it becomes clutter and makes you feel guilty.

It is especially easy to declutter projects that are so old you have no idea where to even restart it, or you no longer have all the supplies or tools necessary to finish it even if you wanted to.

But if you do have all the parts and instructions, but just don't have the joy or desire to finish the project anymore, it can be tough figuring out what to do with these supplies. I'm discussing that a bit more below.

Photo courtesy of Mary T Moore

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Photos Of Decluttered Unfinished Projects

Photos from a #Declutter365 mission participant, who decluttered unfinished craft projects from her home {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Hearing from others who've already done this mission can be inspiring, and help you get motivated to tackle this task yourself.

Above are several photos from a reader, Holly, who got rid of some of her unfinished projects. She said, "Went through fabrics and found this gem: half made maternity shirt. The "baby" is now 20 years old. Hubby's comment: you could finish it and sell it on swipswap. 😂"

She also showed photos of both the small pieces of fabric she planned to give away, as well as fabric trash, all of which she was getting out of her home.

Way to go Holly! And yeah, I'd say a 20 year late half finished maternity shirt is something you can safely part with! :)

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Get Yourself Motivated To Complete Those Unfinished Projects

How to get yourself motivated to complete those almost finished craft projects {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

As I mentioned above, if you choose not to declutter those abandoned craft projects, then you need to make the time to complete them.

At least until now your motivation to get them done has been lacking, because otherwise you would have already done it, right?

Sometimes, the mere thought of having to get rid of the projects, and therefore losing all the work you've already put into it is enough to get you motivated.

That's what happens for some Declutter 365 participants who saw this mission and decided they'd put in the time and finish the projects, instead of continuing to let them languish almost finished, but not quite.

The photos above are from readers who did just that. The photo on the left side of the collage is from a reader, Laura, who said, "When I decluttered the dining room I came across 10 unfinished projects. Here's three of them, all finished. All that was needed to finish them off: bobble attached, 7 ends woven in, and 5 buttons sewn on. A hat was finished lasted week. Only 6 more to go!"

Laura continued, "The cardigan, snuggly bunny and hat will be added to about 50 hats, mittens, booties, and a few baby blankets. They are being collected tomorrow and will be given to refugees in Greece who have nothing."

In addition, another reader, Joanne, sent in the photo on the right, saying, "I started stash busting this month. I have 4 projects done with stuff I already had. It has emptied about 3/4 of a big tote.
Pic is my latest creation for my new grandson. Coming in November."

While just the thought of parting with these items may be enough to get you motivated to finish them, additional things that can help include making a rule for yourself to complete one project before starting another, or to set deadlines for completion so you feel a sense of urgency.

I'd love to hear some more of your ideas for how you motivate yourself to finish projects below, in the comments!

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What To Do With Unfinished Craft Projects When Decluttering

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Now that you've made the decision to get rid of these unfinished projects the question is, what should you do with them?

I will be the first to admit this is a tough question to answer. It is hard to give away, much less sell, something that is already started, but not yet completed.

After all, there are far fewer people that are interested in finishing someone else's craft project than doing their own from start to completion.

On the other hand, here's the guilt again, which says you hate to just throw stuff like this in the trash. Surely someone would like to use it, plus it is good to reuse stuff instead of just filling up landfills.

So here's a couple of ideas, but I am definitely wanting more suggestions below, so please tell me your ideas in the comments below!

1. Donate the "parts" of the project, instead of having someone complete the project, as is.

For example, if you have a partially completed cross-stitch, especially if you can't find the pattern for it anymore so it would be very difficult for anyone to complete it, you could at least donate the floss so someone else could do a different project.

2. Find places that will accept donations of partially completed projects.

The suggestion put forth by lots of readers in the past when we've worked on this mission include senior citizen centers, churches (think crafting clubs that meet weekly), and teen centers.

But I caution you to first call and find out if such donations would be appreciated. (And only donate if you can find the instructions and all parts of the uncompleted project, otherwise it will be frustrating for the recipient.)

Don't forget to give me your suggestions below of what you'd do with these unfinished projects.

Want To Do More Decluttering Missions? Get Started With Declutter 365 Today!

Declutter 365 missions: 15 minute missions for your entire home

Once you declutter one type of item in your home I bet you'll want to declutter some more. After all, decluttering gives you a great reward for even a small investment of time and energy.

The Declutter 365 system is designed to help you declutter, over the course of a year, your entire house, with just 15 minutes of decluttering each day!

Hundreds of thousands of people use this proven system to get rid of their clutter, and bring peace and calm back to their homes.

Declutter 365 works to guide you to clear the clutter without overwhelm, focusing on just one small area at a time, and without making a huge mess in the process, so you see consistent forward progress without all that "messy middle" that makes it even harder to function in your home than before you started.

In addition to building a daily decluttering habit, the Declutter 365 program, along with the accompanying 52 Week Organized Home Challenge, teaches you the skills, habits, routines, and mindsets necessary to maintain the clutter free and organized state of your home from now on, so it'll never be as messy and cluttered as it is right now, ever again.

If you haven't already, make sure to get your copy of this year's Declutter 365 annual calendar here (it's FREE!), find today's date, and do 15 minutes of decluttering on the day's mission. Then, repeat again tomorrow, and again and again. Over the course of the next year, if you do this 15 minutes per day, you'll declutter your whole house!

Click here to take me to this year's Declutter 365 calendar

Get This Hobby & Craft Decluttering Checklist + 32 Other Decluttering Checklists For Your Home

Right now you're decluttering your crafts and hobby supplies, and there's a lot of stuff to declutter in this category of stuff in your home.

Get your 1 page hobby and craft decluttering checklist, plus 32 other decluttering checklists, to help you declutter your entire home here.

Get this hobby and craft decluttering checklist and 32 other decluttering checklists for your home {on Home Storage Solutions 101}

I've done the hard work of breaking down these tasks into smaller more manageable steps for you, so you don't get overwhelmed or worry you're forgetting a task, and you can go at the pace you want, whether that's fast or slow.

In addition, you can tackle these decluttering tasks in whatever order you want when you use these checklists!

Click here to learn more about 33 Decluttering Checklists Pack

After you finish decluttering these unfinished projects, you may want to go ahead and declutter craft supplies and equipment. You can check out the article at the link.

How to declutter craft supplies and equipment

In addition, here are over 60 craft storage solutions and organizers (referral link), for many types of crafts and hobbies, to get your supplies, tools, and equipment organized and ready for you to use and enjoy.

60+ craft storage and organizer ideas

Photo courtesy of hello-julie

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Getting Clutter Free 15 Minutes At A Time Hall Of Fame

Getting Rid Of Craft Clutter Hall Of Fame

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Comments for What To Do With Unfinished Craft Projects When Decluttering

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Craft treasures.
by: Denise

As a newly retired preschool teacher we love yarn, buttons, felt, ribbons and other craft treasures. If the teacher is playing flower shop think of what the kids can use. Holidays kids can pretend to wrap boxes. Writing center stationary and envelopes. Your old stamps (for stamping cards) can be used in story telling, making books. Ask at a school near you.

Guess I'm unusual
by: Anonymous

I actually AM one of those people who eventually gets around to finishing abandoned projects, even if several years lapses. So I do need to store it all. Sadly, I'm stuck with loads of art and craft clutter as I love doing a myriad of things and often have several on the go. I have no space to put stuff that is in progress; it seems to take up so much less space if it's simply tools or supplies, and once in progress it expands... lol. I have no storage room/cupboard etc and live in a mousehole. What do I do?

Finishing Projects
by: Linda B

I just recently finished 2 afghans I took from my Mom when she passed away 10 years ago. They were almost done. I just finished them. Plan on giving them to my sisters at Christmastime.

Grandma's finished projects
by: De'Anna

When my grandma passed away, she left many unfinished projects behind. Of those I ended up with 2, one was an owl latch hook, and the other was a partially finished afghan. I ended up working the afghan into something around a table runner size and use it to cover the top of my hope chest, which is a family heirloom, so this was a nice addition to have something of my grandma on it. As for the latch hook, it took (I believe) 12 years before I got around to finishing it. This is one of the few projects I loved working on (when I finally got to it) not because I was excited to see the end result or to give it to someone special, but because she had worked on it so there was a piece of her in it. Since it has hung in my closet and I'm trying to decide who in the family will get the most enjoyment from the finished work.

On the other hand, I have a project that I've had since I was a kid that I never finished. It's probably 25-30 years old... I swear I'll finish it some day!!!

Unfinished projects
by: Anonymous

For several years I have been knitting for a premature baby group and also for African orphanages. I dislike having more than one project on the go. However I have a drawer stuffed with material from the time I ventured into quilting, I've since lost the desire to do it anymore. I have pieces cut out ready for a cushion cover which was for my son and girlfriend. They have now split up and I can't face finishing it. I also have loads of patterns and knitting yarn which I am thinking of donating. I'm going to tackle this today!

Hundreds of craft "heirlooms"
by: Anonymous

I'm struggling with what I can do to help my mother. In addition to her own hundreds of unfinished craft projects, after grandma passed away she inherited all of HER unfinished craft projects, some dating back 40 years and some even falling apart. Her craft room is stacked to the ceiling, even after 2 attempts to clear things out. She just won't give things up, because they're "mom's".

There's no way she'll finish them all, and has made no attempts to. It's impossible to find anything in there, or to get work done. What should I do?


Why I have unfinished projects
by: Anonymous

I have a huge box of half finished projects and here are the reasons I don't get rid of them

The hours that went into them

I still would like to finish them, but just don't have the time

I only abandoned them because I have too many things in my head I want to make so I start on lots of things at the same time but there's no time really to do them all

I often start a new project before I finish an old one because my mind works faster than my fingers and I am keen to start on something new when the last one is about 3/4 finished. I have proved my point that |I can do it, the end is in sight and I imagine I can drop it to start the new project and still find time to finish in between sometime. the problem is, by then there is another one in my head. I love them all and would really like to finish them but there's so much more to look forward to!

I feel your pain...
by: Jill

It is reassuring to hear that there are many other people having difficulty with unfinished projects that they have inherited from others, which pose the problem of what to do with them.
My mother in law was a talented needle woman When she passed away we inherited her collection of complete, framed tapestries. To get them home we removed them from their (dated and ugly) frames but now have no idea what to do with them. There is no doubt that they are well done, but the visual effect of them is unsuitable for our house. I am at a loss as to how to honour the effort that went in to them and her memory without creating a cringeworthy "shrine" of mismatched images.
Has anyone else come up with a clever use of tapestries?

Storage for unfinished projects
by: Amy

I have unfinished craft projects like everyone else! But my solution is to treat them like all other crafting supplies, I have a location for my stuff and when that location is full, nothing can go in until something comes out. It’s the value of the space. So for the unfinished projects, I have one small chest with three drawers but only two for unfinished projects. It stays in the house, but out of everyone’s way. Right now I have been completing some items, so I only have one drawer full. If I fill them, then nothing else can be saved until something comes out...either to be finished that week or to be donated. I use about two hours on Wednesday mornings (anti-procrastination day) to work on the unfinished crafts.

by: Anonymous

I have the same problem as many other commenters: startitis. The excitement of starting a new project lures me to move on before the previous one is finished. I found a way around this by making a project list and sticking to it. I used to plan what I was going to work on by day, now I just have a monthly schedule. It's not perfect, and occasionally I do interrupt the schedule for something new, but it has really helped me to knock out some projects I bought supplies for or started years ago.

Unfinished embroidery/quilt project
by: Barbara

I had a 20 year old, partially finished project that I admitted to myself I was no longer interested enough in to fcompkete. To my surprise, I did find a fellow quilter who loved my project and wanted to finish it. (That was about five years ago; I have not heard from her whether she has finished it yet). I felt much better after I found a home for my UFO (unfinished object)!

Saved for later
by: Stacey

I have a lot of unfinished cross stitch, embroidery, etc. But for a good reason. Those are the projects I'll be working on later on, when the boys are grown and out the door, and I don't have a million places to be running out to every week. That day is coming sooner than I'd like, but I'm prepared for when it does. Plus the nice thing is, all of my projects are portable, so if we go camping or whatever, I can take something with to work on. Very relaxing!

Have somebody else finish them
by: Val K

Someone I know inherited a half-finished quilt from a beloved aunt, and rather than toss it (or keep it as clutter), paid someone to finish it for her. And I know knitters that get stuck and have a friend get them past the rough spot. An idea, if you absolutely can't part with an unfinished project.

Unfinished craft projects - PHD
by: Dolly

Our quilt club some years will have a PHD Award. PHD stands for Project Half Done. We sign up on the selected month specific project(s) we will complete in the allotted time, usually a few months or whatever agreed upon time by the club. On the deadline month meeting, we bring our completed project(s) and show them to the group and received our PHD Certificate, which is a paper award signed by the President and others of the group who may be officers, etc. It is a great incentive to complete our projects and the group's kind words on our great work are worth completing the project, and we can display our PHD Certificate also.

Get your cat to help!
by: Midge

I was sorting through quilting materials and filling a "to donate" large clear leaf bag. It was 3/4 full when my cat did what cats do, she climbed into the bag. I figured I would let her stay there for a while and continued sorting. Something seemed 'off', I looked at my cat and noticed she was taking a pee!!!!!!! Right on the material I was going to give away. I sprang into action and managed to save a bit but most was wet. I quickly decided to toss it in the garbage. My cat had the right idea, it really is a lot of garbage!

Project idea
by: Dani

I am a multi-crafting person (I do many crafts), who have out with other multi-craft kind of people. We decided, in order to maintain some semblance of sanity, to put our projects in their own containers, and to limit the number of these containers (ideally three), so we can have 3 active projects. This allows me to have one yarn craft going, one fabric craft, and some other random one I've decided to do. I do also make jewellery, but all my jewelry stuff is already corralled together.
In each project container you include all things needed for this project- scissors, yarn, needles/hooks, patterns if used, etc; fabric, pattern, thread, scissors, measuring tape, cutting board, marking pencils, etc; styrofoam balls, pins, fabric scraps, scissors/other cutting implement, ribbon, etc...
Just as an idea!

some jails and prisons accept craft supplies
by: Angela

I have volunteered at a state prison for women for ten years. Many of the inmates enjoy crocheting but supplies are expensive on state pay (17cents an hour) and many women do not have outside family support. The prison allows religious services and education volunteers to make donations of yarn and crochet hooks. These supplies are greatly appreciated and help the women find a productive and creative outlet, and ways to give meaningful, personal gifts to loved ones back home.

Unfinished projects
by: Anonymous

At the moment I am working on all my half finished projects. My rule is I can only have one new project if I finish 10 . My next project to start will be a knitted dinosaur once I have finished and distributed my current Christmas projects all completed just needing ends sewn in blocked and wrapped. I am switching to crochet in New Year. I have the wool but not started the projects yet. But I am working to finish my knitted projects as well. I have plans for the remnants of wool.I have a craft room mainly tidied. I keep my current projects in the space behind the settee. Ultimately I am planning only to have one project for each craft on the go. My craft room mainly is to store materials and equipment. It is very small.

Make new
by: Dabbler

I just know my kids are going to toss everything when I die. All the unfinished projects for which I lovingly gathered ideas, supplies, and spent hours working on. So, now I’m enjoying the fruits of my labor. All my sample machine embroidery blocks now are individually bound and serve as pretty little spoon mats by the coffee machine. Other ufo’s are adhered to canvas to display bits of Cross stitch projects. I’ve framed partially knit bits and felted parts. There are frames for 3D objects (Amazon made with that stretchy film. That way I can enjoy while I’m alive and pretend my kids will inherit finished art and keep them (lol).

Some love to finish projects
by: Bree Bee

Right after I left this page I came across an article in the Washington Post about a woman who goes to estate sales and specifically looks for unfinished projects, then buys them and finishes them. She said she doesn't think someone can rest in peace knowing their project is unfinished. Afterward, she donates the finished pieces. She posted on Instagram asking for help finishing a big embroidered quilt, and got 1000 responses offering help from others who love to finish craft projects they didn't start. So apparently, there are people out there who will gladly take your unfinished craft items and complete them. I guess you just have to know where to look.

Card Kits
by: Anonymous

I love scrapbooking so thought I would also enjoy making greeting cards. The answer is I don't. So I went through all the card kits I have purchased and separated them into those that take a few minutes to put together and those that are way too labor intensive. I got three kits done last night and put them away with my greeting cards. The other kits I opened and took out the parts that would be great for scrapbooking and pitched the rest of the parts. Have three more kits to work on in the evening this week and now have a space on a shelf that does not need to be filled. I call it breathing room.

Your thrift store giveaways were my lucky finds!
by: Tricia

I bought an undone project at a thrift shop--an empty hooked rug, of a rose with no yarn. I happen to love roses. I bought my own yarn, made my own color swatches and watches an on-line video on how to hook a rug. It's 3/4 done and I work on it a few times a month.

I did the same thing with a printed rose pillow top. I learned the stitches and finished the pillow and gave it to a friend. It took me awhile, but I finished. I probably will never do another stitched pillow, but I'm glad that I did that one.

What helped me was to get together with a few friends once a week and we'd each bring a project to work on. All of our craft productivity increased because we encouraged each other and helped each other when one of us got stuck.

Reply: Idea for dated Tapestries (Jill)
by: Anonymous

For Jill: dated tapestries can be sewn together and used as "upholstry". There are some fabulous furniture pieces online you can use as inspiration. You may need to add a few pieces to get the fabric cohesion and balance you’re looking for, but it sounds like you already may have a treasure trove. Alternatively, I’ve seen tapestry pieces with outlandish, funny and/or irreverent phrases embroidered or stenciled onto them. It may seem a bit sacreligious to do this, but better they’re enjoyed than languishing in storage. : )

Bargain craft supply store
by: Anonymous

The Rochester, NY area has a place called "Craft bits and pieces." It is run by volunteers and accepts craft supplies of all sorts. It's a wonderful place to browse around and get supplies, patterns, etc. at bargain prices. Proceeds from the sales go to support transportation for seniors in the area. This has existed for many years and now has a storefront in a shopping plaza and a separate "donation station" for dropping off supplies.

Delayed Decisions
by: Grandma Sue

I liked your statement about clutter or unfinished work being tied to delayed decisions, that seems to be my problem. I have bins of fabric from when I was going to start a banner business; learn machine embroidery - but I don’t really like doing machine embroidery. I have tried but stuff doesn’t turn out well. Any suggestions on where and how to give the fabric away? Thank you!

by: Anonymous

Some asked about where and how to move on fabric they don’t want anymore. I put a post on my local Free-cycle for a big bag of fabric. I didn’t photograph the fabric or describe it except vaguely, furnishing, quilting cotton etc and I had loads of people ask for it. I was very happy to sort more out and I got rid of loads and it was lovely seeing their smiles as they picked it up.

Not always « abandoned »…
by: Françoise

I have many « put aside » projects - and when I ask myself why, many times the answer is that I don’t have enough information about what I want to do, or how to do it - I think that many projects need a kind of maturation to be achieved - it is also that I don’t have the best (for me) stuff to finish it, but when I find it, the project is ending fast.

Boy does this hit home
by: Cate’s Daughter

I’m 74 years old and have been doing craft, quilting, sewing, and art projects most of my life. Now it’s just hubs and me in a 2400 square foot home, two stories plus a large unfinished basement and a two car garage, so perhaps 3800 square feet total, filled with stuff. He has his own hobbies—stamp collecting, model trains, genealogy. We have thousands of photos, both paper and digital. Sometimes I think I have every greeting and Christmas card ever received, and personal letters, back from before email. And memorabilia, my lord, the memorabilia, ours, the kids when they were little, his deceased parents and other relatives, my deceased parents, more dishes than we can ever use, clothing that doesn’t fit etc., yet no one would call us hoarders, at least not like those on TV shows. I’m amazed that we have never had a paid storage unit. Most of the rooms look very nice, all except the basement and my two craft rooms and our bedroom, which becomes the staging and sorting area, always changing, but never peaceful any more. We want to move to a smaller house with a better layout, storage, and only stairs to a basement. I’m trying so hard to go through stuff. 99% of it our grown sons won’t want or the wives won’t want. The one single son would take stuff but he lives in his brother’s basement during the pandemic and is searching for a job, so he can’t take anything. I’m laughing so as not to be crying. How did it get so far out of control? So many great ideas, and I so don’t want to spend the rest of my life, just purging and downsizing. I think I needed badly to read these posts in the middle of working on my stuff. It’s gotten so when family asks me what I’ve been up to I say, oh you know the usual, just going through, sorting, getting rid of stuff. I’ll bet they think I’m nuts, that it is never done. But no one has been here for this past year of course, so they don’t see what we live with, and probably pretend isn’t really a problem. The hubs is especially good at not working on downsizing. I feel so overwhelmed. I need help but the family is so busy. Most of this is NOT JUNK, but nice items, except for old files from my parents from 20 years ago, also my mom was a writer, I have all her research, our old files, but I’m making good progress with those, or stuff I save for crafting that saner folks would throw out. It’s amazing how hard it can be to go through deceased relatives’ stuff. I don’t want to do that to my kids. Maybe soon I might feel safe hiring someone but that has not been an option obviously for a while now. I think I just needed to anonymously tell the truth about my situation. I bet I’m not alone, especially long marriages, 30 years in same house, people who led full lives once, and now are surrounded by their books, (yeah lots if those too, but less of a problem), and their memories wrapped up in stuff. Health issues, hard to have the energy once taken for granted. If it all burned down, I’d be immensely sad, but relieved too, you know? Let this be a lesson to all you younger folks, it can just creep up on you til one day you just want to scream and run away from it. I tell myself I will figure this out. Hopefully seeing myself in print will help. I’m really not asking for advice, believe me, I have read or heard it all. Thanks for listening.

Donate to veterans
by: Paula B

If you have yarn, quilt fabric, or many unfinished cloth projects, there are knitting and crochet guilds who make blankets for vets. Pillow and blanket sets or stuffed animals for children in foster care.

Senior care homes welcome craft supplies to keep folks busy and fingers supple.

They also welcome coloring books for all ages.

Local boys and girls clubs and schools also welcome supplies. All it takes is to pick up your phone to spread your love. Other ways are to put them on offer up or Craig's list as free curbside pickup.

My strategy
by: Anonymous

Before I allow myself to start a new craft project I commit to finishing 2 projects.

by: Anonymous

Yes-this article really hits home with me. I have 2 daughters-37 and 26 who have scrapbooks that I started and didn't finish-want to but they have gone through my pictures and they are scattered. Your article helps me to want to get back to it. I have to give up the thought of having every picture I want on the page. Maybe do the page even though I know something is missing and if I find the picture, stick it in later.

Creative repurposing
by: Anonymous

I once repurposed a bunch of small partially finished knitting projects for practical jokes. A co-worker has his office decorated with a crazy amount of action figures- all of the villains from the Marvel and DV universes. I gave many of them cute accessories. The head that was supposed to become a stuffed octopus? Add a strap and make it a purse for Thanatos, destroyer of the universe. Dr Doom got a pastel lap blanket etc.

I think it would be kinda funny to see a shopping tote made of partially completed cross stitch projects all backed and sewed together.

free table at quilt guilds
by: Trudy

I belong to three quilt guilds. We have a free table at all of them. Magazines, fabric, books, blocks, patterns, etc. It's fun letting go of stuff that just doesn't speak to you anymore and seeing it come back the next month finished or made into their idea. It feels great. I have dragged home stuff that works for me. A great win win.

Selling them - I was surprised it worked so well
by: Anonymous

My sister was successful at selling much of her various craft project supplies in her garage sale. I was surprised.

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